Thanks, Church Tech Today for the interview with the founder of Simon Solutions, creators of CharityTracker and Oasis Insight!
Here's a link to the article.
Thanks, Church Tech Today for the interview with the founder of Simon Solutions, creators of CharityTracker and Oasis Insight!
Here's a link to the article.
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(pictured L-R, Isaac Simon, Jeffrey Allen, Jacob Senecal, Shae Erisson, Ben Stedman)
This past weekend, Simon Solutions was a proud sponsor of PyTennessee 2014, a conference in Nashville, TN for the popular computer programming language, Python. Python is an open source language used by our programmers as well as industry heavyweights such as Google, Yahoo, Mozilla and thousands of other companies.
The Simon Solutions development team was also very happy to have the opportunity to attend PyTennessee 2014 themselves.
The enthusiasm and diversity of attendees was mesmerizing. There were coders from all over the United States and even a classroom full of children anxiously setting up their computers to learn programming. During the keynote, Nashville's mayor, Karl Dean (pictured below), expressed his gratitude and excitement of seeing Nashville's tech community growing by leaps and bounds.
After each day of the conference, Emma, a Nashville-based email marketing company and co-sponsor of the conference, hosted sessions where programmers could contribute to the open source community in a group setting. Open source software is generally free for anyone to use and is maintained by programmers from all over the world. Without a doubt, the internet wouldn't be what it is today without open source software.
Needless to say, we can't wait for PyTennessee 2015! A very special thanks to Jason Myers and his team for organizing an awesome conference!
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We are pleased to announce that Simon Solutions now offers our clients the ability to use scanner and barcode technology with our products, CharityTracker Plus and Oasis Insight Plus.
The newly available features will enable clients to open cases and add assistance records with just a couple of scans, as well as print and use scannable ID cards. This will streamline intake processes and greatly reduce data entry time for assistance workers.
While the software is flexible and can work with many different models of scanners, we have tested and confirmed 100% compatibility with the Motorola LI2208 and Symbol LS4208. Both are widely available scanners and can be independently purchased from your retailer of choice.
Here’s how it works. (Be sure to view in full screen)
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Hi there! This is Isaac Simon, the Chief Technology Officer here at Simon Solutions. Occasionally, I'll be sharing helpful tech tips and tools that can hopefully enhance the way you and your organization do what you do so well, reach out to those in need.
We've tried just about every web meeting product out there and only one has proved absolutely invaluable, join.me
The problem is that many of the web meeting products available require cumbersome steps to start or join an online meeting. Too many features, too many options, too much trouble!
With join.me the presenter (and only the presenter) downloads a small application, then sends all attendees a link to join the meeting. Here's where it shines - The attendees click a link from an email and they're in, looking at the presenters screen. No software download, no headaches.
Attendees can access the web meeting via their desktop, laptop, iPhone, iPad or Android from wherever they are.
In their words - "join.me combines instant screen sharing and powerful meeting tools in an app that anyone can use to present, train, demo or concept. join.me is designed to be intuitive and accessible, providing features that you'll use every day for everything from show-and-tell to formal presentations."
You can check it out for free at join.me. Simply click "start meeting".
If you love it and choose to upgrade to the pro account (meeting recordings, up to 250 attendees, custom web address and more) they offer discounted non-profit pricing.
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