In our October webinar, Mike Simon and Cathy Easley introduced us to a Transformational Roadmap, helping us see how communities come together to help people move along a continuum of care to create a new future of stability. Our November webinar goes deeper into how to effectively walk alongside people desiring to change their circumstances.
Simon Solutions has partnered with Getting Ahead because we deeply believe that communities should come together to offer transformative solutions, not just offer temporary relief. On November 1st, you will get to meet Phil DeVol, author of Getting Ahead in a Just Getting by World. He will present the constructs a community can use to help people write a new story of stability for themselves and their family.
November Webinar: Getting Ahead: Helping People Create a Plan for Stability
Nov 1, 2016 1:00 - 2:00 PM CT
with Phil DeVol, author of Getting Ahead in a Just Getting By World
Click Here to Learn More & Register for November Webinar
Learn about:
• How Getting Ahead class participants, called “investigators,” examine their own experience of poverty as well as explore issues in the community that impact poverty
• How Getting Ahead facilitators guide “investigators” through an assessment of their own resources and how to build those resources as part of their move to self-sufficiency
• How lives are challenged and changed and how Getting Ahead graduates are provided support from Bridges Out of Poverty collaboratives as they work toward their goals.
• How CharityTracker and Getting Ahead have partnered to assess and measure “investigator” success
Phil is an international consultant who has been working with aha! Process since 1997. He used aha! Process concepts to make institutional changes at the addiction treatment center where he was the executive director for 19 years. During this time he also co-wrote Bridges Out of Poverty with Ruby Payne and Terie Dreussi-Smith. His book Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin’-by-World is being used to engage people in poverty in the work of building communities where everyone can live well. It worked so well that DeVol used it as a basis for a prison reentry model called Getting Ahead while Getting Out.
He works with community leaders to help them move quickly from an attraction to application of Bridges concepts. Getting Ahead and Bridges are being used in hundreds of communities in the U.S., as well as a number sites in Canada, Australia, Ireland, Scotland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. His books have been translated into Spanish, Slovak, and Czech.
This completes are Fall Transform Tuesday Webinars. Look for more webinars coming January 2017! Have an idea for a webinar you’d like to see from the Simon Solutions team? Email krista@simonsolutions.com
View our past webinars, power points and hand outs.
September Recording: Getting the Maximum Benefit from Technology
September Handouts and PPT files
October Recording: Funding is Changing
October Handouts and PPT files
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