Part 1, Tuesday, September 18, 1-2 pm CST
Part 2, Tuesday, September 25, 1-2 pm CST
About Part 1:
Hospitals and healthcare systems are moving into the community to collaborate with other organizations and churches for the benefit of their patients and overall community health, as well as their bottom line. CHI St. Joseph Health in Bryan, Texas is one such health system doing that and they are utilizing CharityTracker technology to meet their goals. Learn from Mary Clare Carden, Hospital Chaplain and Director of Spiritual Care, how to better serve people living in poverty; improve communication and move beyond just helping people cope with poverty but to move toward genuine opportunities for them to achieve and be valued. Learn how this Charity Tracker network shares resources and information in order to reduce re-admissions and expand the allocation of resources to those who need it the most in a timely manner.
About Part 2:
In Part 2 of the webinar series on health collaboratives, learn about the Brazos Health Resource Center, created by CLARE Ministries and CHI St. Joseph Health. Meet Pat Schoenemann, center director, and hear about the major demographic factors of health uncovered in the Brazos Valley community health assessment (2016) and how this community is prioritizing their collaborative work. Also learn how they are working toward improving community health using CharityTracker and improving the resource networking capability of their community.
Registration for Part 1 & 2 is open now. Webinars are free.
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