The good people at SC Thrive in Columbia, South Carolina have reached out to ask that we might help spread the word about resources available for people affected by the flooding disaster.
Here are some resources for those who have been directly affected:
Quick Reference Guide for Applying Online for FEMA Assistance (thanks to Cathy Easley): http://bit.ly/femaApplicationReferenceGuide
FEMA's Online Application for Assistance: http://bit.ly/femaOnlineApplication
Red Cross Shelters in South Carolina: http://bit.ly/RedCrossShelterLocationsSC
If you are in a region that has not been affected by the disaster, and you want to help, the following links offer you the opportunity:
United Way of the Midlands, covering Fairfield, Newberry, Richland, Lexington, Calhoun, and Orangeburg http://bit.ly/UnitedWayOfTheMidlandsRelief
Trident United Way, covering Charleston, Dorchester, and Berkeley http://bit.ly/TridentUnitedWayRelief
We at Simon Solutions keep South Carolina in our thoughts, and we send prayers for all who have been affected by this disaster.
Ben Stedman
CEO of Simon Solutions
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