Charity database helps people get back on their feet
Posted: Apr 06, 2011 10:27 PM CST
Updated: Apr 07, 2011 7:06 AM CST
By Aisha Tyler
CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - Several Lowcountry organizations have teamed up to help people in need, impacting the lives of many as they struggle through difficult times. The online database is called Charity Tracker, which allows organizations to collaborate and assist online.
"When all of this happened my grades were low and now my grades are back to A's and B's," said 7th grader Karlessia Middleton.
That's in part because of much of the help she and her family has received after their home burned down a week before Thanksgiving this past November.
"It makes me feel like all is not lost its been hard but there's still some good people in the world," said her mother Annette Green.
The Charity Tracker system has become a life changer for those like Annette.
Trident United Way and the Human Needs Network have joined forces, and through them, churches and other agencies can also get involved.
Green's information is entered into an online database which allows several organizations to respond to her families specific needs.
"Charity Tracker has helped us do major levels of communicating it has just changed our response patterns," said Human Needs Network Executive Director Chuck Coward.
Coward says the program allows every group helping Green to enter notes and even send out bulletins, giving them a way to keep up with her families needs while getting back on their feet.
"Because of this collaborative effort we have been able to continue to work with her and make some connections to the right agencies to continue to help her and her family," Coward said.
Annette says it is really made a difference.
"I'm grateful for the help we received we still have a long way to go were living day by day the best we can," Green said.
Copyright 2011 WCSC. All rights reserved.
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